Outsider Art: Harnessing Color Opening Reception

Friday, January 27, 2023

5:30-7:30 pm

Free Admission

Outsider Art: Harnessing Color unites a group of self-taught artists that see color as an undeniable means to creative expression. The exhibition is curated by Melissa Seitz, Vince Ruvolo and Casey Weibust from Looking Upwards, and represents six East Coast studios, Artists’ Exchange (RI), Center for Creative Works (PA), Downtown Designs Gallery (RI), Spindleworks (ME), Out of the Box Studio & Gallery (RI), and Studio 57 (RI).  

The art represented in this exhibition acts as a voice to expand the range of outsider artists, particularly those with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. This exhibit celebrates the idea of creating without limitation.

Artwork by Terri Snape 

JAC Talk with Conor Moynihan


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