Double Support

A Mural by Kelsey Miller

March - June, 2021

Kelsey Miller stands in front of her mural Double Support. March 2021.

Kelsey Miller stands in front of her mural Double Support. March 2021.


Artist's Statement: "While walking, only one foot at a time loses contact with the ground. Double support is that moment between steps, when both feet are on the ground. This mural stems from a series of works based on the idea of empathy, the experience of standing in someone else’s shoes, gaining a different perspective, and offering support. Inspired by carbon paper, maps, and blueprints, these marks act as both a record and a pathway to compassion. Individual steps overlap and accumulate, creating a murkiness in the distinctions of each print. Collectively, these steps record where we have been, and ask us where we are headed."

This mural was made as part of the New Impressions exhibition.

Learn more about the artist on her website and on Instagram @kelseyvbmiller

Kelsey Miller, Double Support, 2021. Monoprint using crowd sourced shoes. Entire mural measures 10’x 10.’ On view outside the JAC on Valley Street.

Kelsey Miller, Double Support, 2021. Monoprint using crowd sourced shoes. Entire mural measures 10’x 10.’ On view outside the JAC on Valley Street.

Kelsey Miller, Detail from Double Support, 2021.

Kelsey Miller, Detail from Double Support, 2021.


New Impressions


Weaving Together