Island Moving Company’s Jr. Company Presents:Carnival of the Animals

Sunday, March 31st 2:30 pm

Family Friendly Event!
Suggested Donation: $5 adults & Children Free


The Island Moving Company’s Junior Company consists of 20 teenage dancers who have been invited to the group. The IMC’s Junior Company  will present a production of Carnival of the Animals at the Jamestown Arts Center on Sunday, March 31st at 2:30 pm.

The “Carnival of the Animals” is Directed by Brooke DiFrancesco and choreographed by Christine Sandorfi. A Lion, two Hens, a Donkey, a Tortoise and other assorted creatures dance to music by Camille Saint-Saens in a production that lasts roughly one half hour. This presentation will be suitable for children of all ages and will include an opportunity to join the dancers in some dancing after the performance.


Poetry Tonight


Opening Reception